At The Snack Caddy, we're breathing new life into everyone's favorite past time: Snacking. Whether it's breakfast on-the-go or the 4PM sugar-slump-pick-me-up, snacking can bring joy when you need it most. It can be nostalgic, it can be adventurous. It can be exactly what you need in that very moment. And, there is nothing better than a good snack when you need it.

Simply put, we curate the best snacks: The fan favorites and the new, cool brands. And with our chic snack machines, we're bringing these snacks right to you.

At The Snack Caddy, it's always snacktime.


Snacks make people happy.

To make the people going in and out of your buildings happy, we are reviving and reimagining the original amenity: Vending Machines. But, The Snack Caddy is not your grandmother's vending machine. It's carefully curated to offer snacks that people love and that people need. And, most importantly, it's convenient.

Our machines are high-tech with a constant feedback loop so we understand what is selling. And, our machines serve as an art installations, making the entire experience feel inviting, dynamic and modern.

Snacking is an experience, and at The Snack Caddy, it's always snacktime.


Let''s Get
